domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010



1. Can you learn English with  a reading project?
2. Are you interested in texts?
3. What kind of texts would you like to read:
  • Social problems.
  • Arts.
  • Science.
  • Technology.
  • Literature.
  • History.
  • adventure
  • fiction
  • poetry
  • romanticism
  • thriller
  • comedy
  • short tales
  • universal literature
  • Other? ______________________________________________________________________
4. What kind of reading activities would you like to do?
5. Do a proposal abotu how would you like to learn English.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


I mixed different kinds of methods, but I try to focus my teaching in: listening (music, short tales, text models, etc), when we read the test I ask some questions about the reading, also they read short texts many times in order to capture the main topic and, in this way they can find the meaning and the vocabulary that is in the middle of the reading.  I try, also they speak as much as possible about theirselves or about the readings. When in the class they have questions about grammar I focus my teaching in solve taht questions as an excuse to teach them the use of the language and after the questions we make grammar exercises.  I prepare my class in two ways, first thinking in a topic that motivate the students to talk about theirselves and their context (family, school, clothing, friends, pets...) and secondly, the grammar as a result of their questions.

After reading and work in class the Kumaravadivelu´s paper I wonder that theory and practice are far away from our context.  The theory is thought to first world countries where technology and academic issues are more advanced.  The author gives us  an "alternative to method" which is created based on our own practice.  You can build your own theory if you reflect on your practice.  Each teacher can develop their own teaching theory if teachers think about their own way of teaching and if we could be critical in our teaching process we can improve our techniques. 
The Kumaravadivelu´s paper and the the approaches to EFL teaching are interesting because I can conclude that everyday we use a different method, we can learn about our practice and improve our job if we reflect in the question How do I teach? this question is very important because it makes you think about yourself, about your personality, about your strenghts and weaknesses and how are you working. 
As I said before i mix in each class differents kinds of methods:
  • Empiristic or Behaviorist orientation: focus on grammar, teacher at center.  The activities I Implement are: dialogues, fill in the blanks, follow model texts... teaching as  practicing structures that students can say in any similar situation and learning as a process of habit formation.
  • Socio - cultural orientation or socio - psycholinguistics orientation, teacher is not the center. The activities I use are: interrelation between language and context, for example I ask them to design a custome and they should wear it an describe it.
  • Sociocritical orientation, focus on language that will help students improve their conditions and get acces and social mobility.  An activity I use is to reflect in a social situation that they are living and think how they can be better and how they can solve their own problems and show them that changes are good for their comunity and what is the position that they should take in a real situation.  Students can view the teaching process of engaging in critical feflection about personal and local issues.

Personal Plan of Work

First Week (sep 27th - oct 2nd).
8:00  p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Strategies: Watch different kinds of programs in English (closed caption) and Internet exercises:

I realized that I need to practice more everyday.  When I started to listen that exercises I realized that I need time to understand the accent, the gendre, the speed of the speaking and after 3 or 5 exercise I can do them in an easily way.
I conclude that these exercises can be one of your strenghts if you have a feedback, I mean T.V. programs are a passive way to learn, is a good tool but the problem is that you need a feedback to go deeper in your learning process,  when you speak about a topic that you have listened is easier to understand the entire meaning.  In the other hand, The Internet exercises allow you a feedback when after listening you should answer some questions about the topic.

Second Week (oct 4th - oct 8th).
8:00  p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

I did the exercisesof the Cambridge book: "English Grammar in Use".
I wanted to study grammar so I practice:
Unit 1 present continuous
Unit 2 Present Simple
Unit 3 present continouos and present simple
Unit 4 present continuous and present simple 2
Unit 5 Past simple

Journal Questions

  • What did I realize after taking the diagnostic test?
After taking the dagnostic test I realized that I need to improve my listening and reding comprehension.  I thought that my listening was better that the result, so my goal is to practice the listening.
  • What did I learn?
I learned that a test can measure your skills but many things are interfering when you are answering a test, for example your mood, your anxiety.  Also you need a time to get used to the langugage and the structure of the questions.   Actually, you can make mistakes while you understand the test itself (vocabulary, accent...)
  • Did I realize what my strenghts and weaknesses are?
In order to know your strenghts and weaknesses you need to be critical.  In the diagnostic test is very difficult to recognize your language abilities, nevertheless, I found that my strenghts are the spoken language (communicative skills: pronunciation, fluent) and my weaknesses are writing, reading and listening.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Seminar course licenciados 3

In this page you can find information about the experience of English teachers who are improving their own practice and theory skills. 

You can comment about your own experience as a teacher and tell us how you can be a better teacher every day. 

Also you can post videos, tales, music, and share your own way of thinking.

Here we can have a feedback that increase our experience and we can also find a way to improve our language (English) skills.

Welcome to My Experience in the Seminar Course: