Vida Para Todos is the result of a combination of three sections: Hogar Antioquia School (created in 1971), Las Estancias special school (created in 1999) there studied students who had special needs, now this school is called Vida para todos and they recive regular kids; and the third school is Sor Maria Luisa Coubrin High school (created in 1970). Sor Maria Luisa Coubrin section was founded by "Madres Vicentinas" with the idea to support people who is poor, besides they collected the ideas of San Vicente de Paul. This school is located in "comuna 8", Caicedo neighborhood. Near to the school there is a church, the house of culture and a soccer court. this neighborhood has many social problems as violence, people who need to leave their houses, drugs, family breakdowns e.t.c.
It is a coeducational institution. Besides the students belong a low stratum. Vida Para Todos mission is to give to each student tools to face their lives. The School offers an academic enviroment full of reflection that allows to the students use those axiological to use them in their daily life. The school has four floors. On the first floor, in the middle of the school, you can find the basketball and soccer court all in one. Around the court are the coordination office, the science lab, the computers room, the restaurant where students have a glass of milk and a kind of lunch, many of them can have the first meal of the day there, caffeteria and the bathrooms. on second floor there are the teachers office, the principal office and 6 classrooms. On the third floor there are the audiovisual room and 12 classrooms. On the fourth floor there are six class rooms.
Teachers are good partners, but among the principal, coordinators and teachers there is a communication problem, so we have to have meetings very often. Nevertheless, we try to have a human vision of the situations. There are in the afternoon twenty teachers that give class from eighth grade to eleventh grade. Sometimes you can see indoors or outdoors violence between students, sometimes we have to call to the police or the Sports teacher is who deal with that situation. Parents do not like to go to the school, even when we give the grades to the students they do not come.
The curriculum is based on the Classical Humanism approach, the teacher is the center and it is a content-based curriculum. English is taught in a structural syllabus based on grammar, also we use the Reconstructionism approach where ther process is very important and teachers give them a specific goals. In conclusion I can say that the syllabus is notional - funcional because we teach English as a way to imitate the language use. For English clasess we have dictionaries that teachers and students can use and few grammar books that can use it only teachers, but not the kids. In each classroom there is a tv set and there is a classroom with video beam and a plasma tv.
I studied Modern Languages in UPB. I got my bachelor degree in 2004 and I began to work this year, I give class from ninth to eleventh. I want to lead a different kind of teachers that is worried about the humanbeing and the relationships among them and how I can be a better person in my job. I expect that students love English and they can express themselves in a wide point of view.
Vida Para Todos vision is to lead the children and young education with the capacity of adaptation and with alternatives to solve problems in order to transform their natural context. They can get an intelectual and moral knowkedge based on a high sense of a humanbeing values, also The school looks for attend diversity.
Dear Angela, your context description is quite detail about school organization and mission, curriculum and yourself.
ResponderEliminarRemember write about Students: number, gender, ages, socio-economic statues, attitude towards the TL (target language), study habits, proficiency level, interests, needs, learning styles; others: discipline, previous experiences with English.
regarding to grammar and vocabulary I think :
there studied (PEOPLE) students who had special
family breakdowns (AND SO ON)
few grammar books that can use it only teachers (THAT CAN BE USED ONLY FOR TEACHERS) (FOR TEACHER USE ONLY)
so we have to have meetings very often. (HAVE TO DO MEETINGS)